High Camp 2017 13

Arctic Asset Management

Absolute commitment to long-term value creation for our clients.

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Nordic asset management

As an independent Norwegian portfolio manager we provide our clients with investment opportunities across the Nordic markets and global life science.

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Excellence in execution

"Arctic Asset Management is a specialist in the Nordic markets and in selected global strategies, managing funds and discretionary mandates. We do what it takes to exceed our clients' expectations. That's what we call excellence in execution!"

Lisbeth Gyland, CEO Arctic Asset Management

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A trusted provider of investment strategies

Arctic Asset Management AS is an independent investment manager. We manage UCITS-funds and discretionary mandates.

At Arctic Asset Management, we have a truly active approach to bringing long-term value creation to our clients.

We are constantly expanding our ambition to be the preferred investment manager for our clients, with long-standing client relationships and continuous growth, thanks to skilled investing.

Arctic Asset Management was founded in 2010, as the investment manager for Arctic Funds Plc. Today we manage both mutual funds and discretionary mandates on behalf of a broad range of Nordic and international clients.

The company is owned by its employees, Arctic Holdings AS and Rasmussengruppen. We are headquartered in Oslo, along with an investment team located in Stockholm.

Arctic Asset Management is licensed by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet) to conduct discretionary portfolio management and associated services pursuant to the Securities Trading Act (Lov om Verdipapirhandel).

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Listen to our podcast!

"Arctic Midt i Måneden" is our mid-month podcast hosted by our CIO, Albert Collett. He invites fund managers and other selected guests to discuss market events, industries and sectors, and investment strategies - among other topics.

Latest news

  1. Arctic Asset Management -

    Markedskommentar desember 2024

    2024 ble nok et godt år for finansmarkedene med solid avkastning for aksjer og selskapsobligasjoner. De store, amerikanske teknologiaksjene ledet an nok en gang. De største selskapenes store vekting i indeksene gjorde at Nasdaq, S&P500 og verdensindeksen (MSCI World) gikk spesielt godt. Nvidia var opp 171 % for året, og markedsverdien av aksjen er nå verdens største.

  2. Arctic Asset Management -

    Arctic Midt i Måneden - The episode you’re gonna actually love

    Vi runder av året med Midt i måneden-episoden som you’re gonna actually love!

    Hvor skal rente- og aksjemarkedet i 2025? Vil biotech og fedmemedisin fortsatt være tungvektere på avkastningsfronten? – og må bredde og indeks vike for seleksjon for å oppnå den gode avkastningen?

    Dette og mer når Cathrine Foyn, Tone Varmann og Ulrica Slåne Bjerke er i studio hos Albert Collett.

  3. Arctic Asset Management -

    Arctic Midt i Måneden - Resultatsesong og nye analysemetoder med AI

    Årets siste resultatsesong er historie og forvalterteamet har som alltid hatt møter med mange selskaper, og store mengder data har blitt prosessert på kort tid. For å oppsummere resultatene har Albert Collett fått besøk av forvalterne Alexander Larstedt Lager og Arild Huitfeldt, i tillegg til data scientist Ola Kirkerud som forteller hvordan AI benyttes til å effektivisere analysejobben for forvalterteamet.

  4. Arctic Asset Management -

    Markedskommentar oktober 2024

    De store aksjemarkedsindeksene, inkludert verdensindeksen (MSCI World), den nordiske (Vinx-indeksen) og amerikanske S&P 500, kom inn på den negative siden av streken i oktober etter et betydelig fall siste uken. Usikkerheten har økt med en åpen sluttspurt i det amerikanske valget og en betydelig økning i amerikanske langrenter i oktober. Oslo Børs ga positiv avkastning (i NOK) i oktober.

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Arctic Asset Management is authorized as an investment firm and is under supervision by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The Compliance department seeks to ensure that the company conducts its activities in accordance with applicable laws and standards.

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Environmental, Social and Governance

Arctic Asset Management believes strong performance depends on responsible investing. In our view, companies with a positive and improving impact on the environment, corporate governance and social responsibility, are more likely to provide excess returns to investors over time. 

We therefore analyse ESG issues and integrate sustainability in our investment process. Furthermore, analysing a company’s ESG factors is a central part of our risk analysis.



Arctic Asset Management

P.O. Box 1833 Vika

NO-0123 Oslo

Haakon VII's gate 5, NO-0161

Tel +47 21 01 31 00


Arctic Asset Management

Sweden Branch

Regeringsgatan 38

SE-111 56 Stockholm

Tel +46 844 68 6100