Arctic Asset Management

Truly active approach

Arctic Asset Management is an independent Nordic Investment Manager, specialising in Nordic Equities, Nordic Fixed Income and Global Life Science.

We aim to create long-term value for our clients by carefully evaluating risk and reward in the markets.

High Camp 2017 13

Anyone can invest in the Arctic funds

Online Investment Platform

You don't need to be wealthy to start investing. As an online client, a sum of NOK 1,000 is enough to take the first step towards reaching your long-term financial goal.

Through our Online Investment Platform, anyone can invest in the Arctic funds. The portfolios are actively managed by our experienced investment teams.


Personal service for asset owners

Advisory Service

We offer advisory service to investment companies and institutional clients looking to invest in the Arctic funds.

Discretionary Mandates

We provide discretionary portfolio management for larger institutions and family offices.

Investment Strategies

Latest News

  1. Arctic Asset Management -

    Markedskommentar Juni 2024

    Aksjemarkedet hadde en positiv utvikling i mai, hvor Oslo Børs ledet an med en oppgang på 5,2% hjulpet av en bred oppgang i råvarepriser og fortsatt god fart i shipping. Globalt steg verdensindeksen målt ved MSCI World Index (NOK) med 3,9% og det amerikanske aksjemarkedet steg 4,8% (S&P 500 USD). 

  2. Arctic Asset Management -

    Arctic Midt i Måneden

    Arctic Global Select - Det nye fondet "alle" snakker om

    Albert Collett har fått besøk i studio av forvalter, Tone Varmann, som forteller om det nye fondet «Arctic Global Select». Et globalt og aktivt forvaltet aksjefond i samarbeid med “glokale” spesialister.

    Hør hvordan Tone bygger et globalt forvalterteam, med sektorspesialister i de mest disruptive delene av markedet som komplementerer hverandre gjennom skiftende markedsforhold. – og hvem det nye aksjefondet, Arctic Global Select, passer for.

  3. Arctic Asset Management -

    Markedskommentar Mai 2024

    Aksjemarkedet hadde en positiv utvikling i mai, hvor Oslo Børs ledet an med en oppgang på 5,2% hjulpet av en bred oppgang i råvarepriser og fortsatt god fart i shipping. Globalt steg verdensindeksen målt ved MSCI World Index (NOK) med 3,9% og det amerikanske aksjemarkedet steg 4,8% (S&P 500 USD). 

  4. Arctic Asset Management -

    Biotech hitting the news

    This morning, Ulrica Slåne Bjerke, portfolio manager and CIO for our healthcare funds Arctic Aurora LifeScience and Biotech Select, was invited to Dagens Industri’s TV Börsmorgon. She commented on topics currently in focus regarding the sector, obesity stocks Novo and Lilly, falling interest rates positive for biotech, Novavax share price soaring as well as some Swedish med tech companies having an uphill day.

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Listen to our podcast!

"Arctic Midt i Måneden" is our mid-month podcast hosted by our CIO, Albert Collett. He invites fund managers and other selected guests to discuss market events, industries and sectors, and investment strategies - among other topics.


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