Welcome to Arctic, Jonas Abrahamsen!
Arctic is proud to welcome professional cyclist Jonas Abrahamsen as our newest ambassador.
We deliver leading financial services, enabling innovation and long-term value.
Arctic Securities is a leading, independent Norwegian investment bank, specializing in investment banking transactions and advisory services, securities sales & trading, as well as equity and credit research.
Society depends upon financial expertise, ensuring that private and public capital is well managed. Arctic is a leader in the Nordic capital markets, empowering businesses to seize opportunities and to address pressing issues.
Our clients include both businesses raising capital and international institutions and investors looking to participate in the Nordic markets. We bring our Norwegian heritage to the world. Our clients extend far beyond the Nordic region and can draw on our expertise in their domestic markets through our regional offices.
Arctic is proud to welcome professional cyclist Jonas Abrahamsen as our newest ambassador.
We are pleased to announce leadership transitions at Arctic to support our long-term vision and continued success.
Arctic Securities er godkjent som Certified Adviser (CA) på den alternative markedsplassen Nasdaq First North Growth Market i Sverige.
Disiplinærnemnden ved Nasdaq Stockholm gir Arctic Securities en bot på 2 millioner SEK for ikke å ha informert børsen tidsnok om en endring i virksomheten.
Cavendish Hydrogen has applied for admission to trading of its shares on the main board of the Oslo Stock Exchange. Arctic Securities AS is acting as joint lead manager. Please find the prospectus in connection with the Listing.
Arctic has participated in six out of the ten largest ECM transactions this year. Arctic ranks second in both volume and number of transactions, according to Bloomberg.
Arctic’s corporate culture is founded on a strong entrepreneurial spirit, with a commitment to continuous development and improvement. We are searching for talented, committed, curious and solution-oriented persons with an ambition to learn, develop and perform in an energetic, intellectually rewarding, and inclusive environment.
Arctic Securities is authorized as an investment firm and is under supervision by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. The Legal and Compliance departments provides legal advice to the organization and seeks to ensure that the company conducts its activities in accordance with applicable laws and standards.
We are continuously working to integrate new environmental, social and governance measures into our business strategy in order to ensure long-term sustainable development and growth.
It is our belief that transparency and clear communication of ESG commitments are key elements for any organisation looking to excel in a modern business environment. These principles of openness will continue to play a leading role in our ESG management procedures.
Visiting address
Haakon VIIs gate 5
NO-0161 Oslo
Visiting address
Regeringsgatan 38, 7th floor
111 56 Stockholm
Visiting address
Arctic Securities Sverige Filial
Drakegatan 10
412 50 Göteborg
Visiting address
Ballindamm 17
20095 Hamburg
Visiting address
Arctic Securities AG
Talstrasse 83
8001 Zurich
Visiting address
45 Rockefeller Plaza
Suite 1960
New York, NY 10111
Visiting address
Rua Visconde de Pirajá 495
22410-002 Rio de Janeiro