Board of Directors

Inge K. Hansen
Chairman of the Board
Hansen holds a degree in business administration from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. In 1970, he joined the Research Institute for the Pulp & Paper Industry, and held a series of posts in Jiffy from 1973 to 1983. He served as General Manager in Bergen Bank/Den norske Bank from 1985 to 1994. He then served as Managing Director in Orkla Finans. From 2000 he worked for Statoil ASA as CFO and Executive Vice President and in 2003 as acting CEO.
In 2004 Mr. Hansen was appointed CEO of Aker Kvaerner ASA. He was advisor to Aker ASA from 2006 to 2008. He served as advisor to Scatec AS from 2008 to 2012 and as independent advisor from 2012. Hansen has a long history of board memberships, as a member and as chairman. Hansen was awarded "The Chair of the Year" for 2012, both in Norway and in the Nordic region.

Anders Lægreid
Board member
Lægreid holds a master degree in Finance from Handelhøyskolen BI and a MBA from Loyola Marymount University. For several years he had different executive positions at Sparebanken NOR, Gjensidige NOR and DNB. He is Board Member of Obos-banken AS, Nille Holding AS, Morrow Batteries AS, FRANO AS and Skandinaviske Handelsparker AS. Lægreid is the CEO at NOAH AS.

Beret Sundet
Board member
Sundet holds a law degree from the University of Oslo in 1992. She received her licence to practice law in 1997. Sundet has specialized in competition law and has worked for the Ministry of Labour and Government Administration from 1992 to 1995 and the EU-commission, Merger Task Force in 1994. Furthermore, Sundet worked as deputy judge at Ringerrike Sorenskriverembete from 1995 to 1997. Sundet has been with BA-HR since 1997 and became partner in 2001.

Fredrik Cappelen
Board member
Cappelen graduated with a Bachelor's degree from Regent University in 1985. With 25 years of experience in leading positions at SEB Enskilda and Arctic Securities AS, he now operates as an independent entrepreneur. Notably, Cappelen holds the roles of chairman and primary shareholder in Stella AS and Stella Industrier AS, among other ventures. He serves as the chairman of Stella AS, Stella Industrier AS, and Proterm AS. Additionally, he is a board member of Frigaard AS, Rentelligent Group AS, ProxII AS, Carucel Stella AS, and Atlantic Paro AS.

Inga Lise Lien Moldestad
Board member
Moldestad is a certified economist and licensed auditor from NHH, graduated in 1994. She has experience from Vesta Reassuranse Company Ltd (1985-1987), Arthur Andersen & Co/Ernst & Young (1993-1998), Unibank Asset Management (1998-2000), and Holberg Fondsforvaltning (2000-2023). Currently, she holds the position of partner and owner at Vest Corporate Advisors. Moldestad chairs Dealflow AS, Grieghallen IKS, Ingasset AS, and Ingasset II AS. Furthermore, she serves as a board member for Sparebank 1 Forsikring AS, Kredinor AS, Kredinorstiftelsen, Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt AS, Midt Vekst, and Bergen Havn Farvannsforvaltning IKS.
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