Insmed announced breakthrough results from landmark respiratory study

Shares of Arctic Aurora LifeScience and Arctic Aurora Biotech Select holding Insmed appreciated 118% on positive Phase 3 results in bronchiectasis

Respiratory specialist Insmed provided a relief to both patients and investors as they announced positive results from their Phase 3 ASPEN trial, one of the most anticipated readouts in the biotech sector. The study tested Insmed’s brensocatib in a respiratory disease called bronchiectasis, a chronic lung condition with frequent exacerbations, infections and inflammation accompanied by excruciating cough, excess sputum production and shortness of breath. According to Insmed, this devastating disease affects more than 1 million patients globally who are currently without an approved treatment option. These promising results provide a huge advancement for the patient community.


In the ASPEN study, brensocatib reduced the rate of exacerbations by 21%, while it also increased the chance of being free of exacerbations by 41% among other benefits for patients. The drug’s side effect profile was also favorable, with the treatment arms experiencing numerically fewer adverse events than the placebo group. Based on these data, Insmed plans to file for regulatory approval by the end of the year.

Insmed’s stock price increased by 118% on the data, adding almost USD 4 billion to the company’s market cap. At the same time, the company also announced a USD 500 million equity offering.


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